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Style Weekly: "the politics of fear and a growing racial divide still cripple Richmond [Virginia]." Mayor Douglas Wilder: "a cesspool of corruption and inefficiency." Ninth most dangerous city in the US. The state claims that "Virginia is for lovers" but the General Assembly passed a law "which some contend is the most anti-gay legislation in the country." (Style Weekly) And don't get me started on Henhicko County, Native American for "land of the hicks." Now at www.richmondsucks.com.

June 11, 2007

Help RESTORE Habeas Corpus and the Constitution Now - The Pen

Habeas corpus, which permits the accused a fair hearing in front of a neutral judge, is the most fundamental check on executive power in our Constitution. The United States Supreme Court asserted that habeas "is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against lawless state action."

HABEAS CORPUS ACTION PAGE: http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/113

Today, Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act (S. 185), a correction of the miscarriage of law making from last year which had shamed us all, the Military Commissions Act which purported to strip detainees at Guantanamo of all human rights.Our activist friends at Democrats.com have an action page to continue to support S. 185, in the which could now come up for a full vote in the Senate at any time. We encourage all our participants to speak out through the page above.

We just finished setting up a national cell phone voting system where someone has to do is text "IMPEACH" to 30644 to vote Yes in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll and it is LIVE now. You have ALREADY voted in the poll yourself (don't vote twice), but please text message all your friends and let them know they can cast their vote to impeach Cheney just as easy as kicking someone off American Political Idol.

Not only that but Lynn Woolsey just became the 6th house member to sign on as a co-sponsor of H.R. 333, for articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney. And all the other 429 are waiting for is for us to inspire our friends and neighbors to actually speak out. So let's DO it.

Even as we speak, yet more crimes of the greatest offender of them all, Dick Cheney, were exposed this week. As reported by the Washington Post on Thursday, Cheney was the primary bully in pushing for the illegal wiretaps, even going so far as to block the promotion of a senior Justice Department attorney who had the integrity to raise concerns about them.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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"...the quintessential everyman, he's a little bit of everything that we're all striving for... mostly the search for the truth in our lives. From poignant notions of love to our own inescapable lascivious tendencies, from mundane to the outlandish, on that journey we face tough questions, but even tougher decisions. He'll take you on his journey and back, he won't promise you enlightenment (who can?), but you can at least be assured of a good time. Thanks..." - boyzco