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Style Weekly: "the politics of fear and a growing racial divide still cripple Richmond [Virginia]." Mayor Douglas Wilder: "a cesspool of corruption and inefficiency." Ninth most dangerous city in the US. The state claims that "Virginia is for lovers" but the General Assembly passed a law "which some contend is the most anti-gay legislation in the country." (Style Weekly) And don't get me started on Henhicko County, Native American for "land of the hicks." Now at www.richmondsucks.com.

June 20, 2007

FOX and CBS Say Yes to Sex, No to Condoms

Dear Chris,
The New York Times reports today that FOX and CBS are refusing to air a condom commercial. The reason? FOX writes “Contraceptive advertising must stress health-related uses rather than the prevention of pregnancy.” Meanwhile, CBS defends its decision simply by stating it “did not find it appropriate” for its network. What an outrage!

Planned Parenthood has advocated for programs that prevent sexually transmitted infections AND unintended pregnancies for years, most recently through our Prevention First! Campaign - and we've faced extremist opposition to these commonsense measures every step of the way. This latest move by CBS and FOX is yet another example of how narrow-minded, biased thinking can prevent a well-intentioned, prevention-focused message from reaching millions of viewers.

FOX and CBS need to hear from you NOW! Tell them to stop the hypocrisy and air ads that promote public health.

In 2005, 70 percent of all television shows and 77 percent of prime-time shows contained sexual content. FOX and CBS shows are no exception. From Temptation Island to Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show to The O.C. — a show that broadcasts an average of 6.7 sex scenes an hour — FOX and CBS have taken sex all the way to the bank.

Preventing unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are top public health priorities. Television networks that pride themselves on public service should take every opportunity to educate the public about safer sex. By rejecting Trojan’s ad, FOX and CBS have made the wrong move for public health.

FOX and CBS need to hear from you NOW! Tell them to stop the hypocrisy and air ads that promote public health.

Thanks so much for your support,
Emily Lockwood
Online Strategies Manager
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

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"...the quintessential everyman, he's a little bit of everything that we're all striving for... mostly the search for the truth in our lives. From poignant notions of love to our own inescapable lascivious tendencies, from mundane to the outlandish, on that journey we face tough questions, but even tougher decisions. He'll take you on his journey and back, he won't promise you enlightenment (who can?), but you can at least be assured of a good time. Thanks..." - boyzco