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Style Weekly: "the politics of fear and a growing racial divide still cripple Richmond [Virginia]." Mayor Douglas Wilder: "a cesspool of corruption and inefficiency." Ninth most dangerous city in the US. The state claims that "Virginia is for lovers" but the General Assembly passed a law "which some contend is the most anti-gay legislation in the country." (Style Weekly) And don't get me started on Henhicko County, Native American for "land of the hicks." Now at www.richmondsucks.com.

September 09, 2005

Impeach George W. Bush -- A Call to All Blogs and Activists! - The Bulldog Manifesto

The time has come. It's time to stay on point. The blogs need to unite around a rallying cry of "IMPEACH BUSH." As of this post, the term "impeach bush" is the most popular search term at Technocrati.

President Bush has totally and utterly failed the American people. Almost every day we are presented with further proof why he should not be our president. From 9/11, to WMDs, to Iraq, to Katrina-- the reasons are many and obvious. We need to impeach him NOW.

The only point that should be discussed is-- "IMPEACH BUSH NOW!" We need to pound this point over and over again. It should be mentioned wherever possible, and it should not stop until the mainstream media and all politicans realize that we, the people, will not stand for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, nor the utter lies, any longer.

The Bulldog Manifesto hereby calls upon every blog, from large to small, from Eschaton to Spontaneous Rising, from Daily Kos to Martian Anthropologist, from Crooks and Liars to Bring it On, from The Rude Pundit to The Talking Dog and EVERY BLOG IN BETWEEN!

The Bulldog Manifesto hereby calls upon every activist, from the national activists to the pissed off mothers, from the local politicians to the military families, from the school teachers to the student, spread the word, it is time to IMPEACH BUSH NOW. Cut and paste this post and email it to friends and family, write letters to your senators and congressperson, start your own impeachment blog, sign the Impeach Bush Petition, just do something! It begins with ALL OF US!

It doesn't matter whether the House of Representatives consists of a Republican majority, we cannot wait around until 2006 for that to change. We can no longer afford to wait. Impeachment begins NOW, with all of us!

Feel free to cut and paste this post wherever you wish. Link to this post at:


Send me an email (prideof55@myway.com) once you are on board and you will be added to the ON BOARD list.

1 comment:

hiikeeba said...

I can't wait until bush is impeached! Then we'll have President Cheney! Oh, how much better life will be . . .

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"...the quintessential everyman, he's a little bit of everything that we're all striving for... mostly the search for the truth in our lives. From poignant notions of love to our own inescapable lascivious tendencies, from mundane to the outlandish, on that journey we face tough questions, but even tougher decisions. He'll take you on his journey and back, he won't promise you enlightenment (who can?), but you can at least be assured of a good time. Thanks..." - boyzco