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Style Weekly: "the politics of fear and a growing racial divide still cripple Richmond [Virginia]." Mayor Douglas Wilder: "a cesspool of corruption and inefficiency." Ninth most dangerous city in the US. The state claims that "Virginia is for lovers" but the General Assembly passed a law "which some contend is the most anti-gay legislation in the country." (Style Weekly) And don't get me started on Henhicko County, Native American for "land of the hicks." Now at www.richmondsucks.com.

August 25, 2005

Feel Better Fast: Morning Sickness, Constipation & Heartburn - MSN Family

Find relief from these pregnancy-induced ailments.
By Sally Kuzemchak, RD

Morning Sickness

I didn't have morning sickness during pregnancy -- I had every-waking-moment sickness. For two months, I camped out on the couch nibbling one of the only things I could keep down: plain toaster waffles, which my husband called "Preggos." Mercifully, the nausea lifted during my second trimester, but many women suffer much longer.

Jenn Grassi, of New Hampshire, had terrible heartburn for all nine months and remembers the day after delivery well. "It dawned on me that the heartburn was gone, and I nearly cried tears of joy," she says.

While you wait for tummy troubles to naturally lift -- or for baby's birth to save you from them -- here's how to cope.


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"...the quintessential everyman, he's a little bit of everything that we're all striving for... mostly the search for the truth in our lives. From poignant notions of love to our own inescapable lascivious tendencies, from mundane to the outlandish, on that journey we face tough questions, but even tougher decisions. He'll take you on his journey and back, he won't promise you enlightenment (who can?), but you can at least be assured of a good time. Thanks..." - boyzco